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Minutes & Related Documents

What follows is a summary of the of the documents related to meetings and other events, focusing on the HHA Annual Meeting.  (Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.)

Highlands Homeowners Association

Minutes, Notices, Memoranda, Letters


2022-11-03 Minutes Special Board Meeting Topics: Board members Kelly McCann, Lon Botta, and Dan Stowe met with Stephen Gorman to discuss: complaints about regular tractor-trailer deliveries to one Highlands residence, and Board POA for this issue; sewer/storm drain maintenance; possible fall street sweeping; potential need for HHA dues increase; send letter to KGCC regarding access road easement usage; future security gate research; placement of second surveillance camera; how to determine the volume of access road traffic being created by KGCC maintenance traffic.  

2022-10-16 Minutes Meeting This year's Annual Meeting was held at the Circle Park after a barbeque hosted by President Kelly McCann who, on behalf of the neighborhood, thanked this year's group of member volunteers.  Topics: ballot for electing new officers (available for residents to submit either online or via paper printout; deadline: Nov 10), sewer status (2019-2020 repairs; lack of resolution with KGCC of costs; negotiating future HHA-KGCC split of costs; continued review of a gravity fed system connecting to the county sewer system in River Wood Estates), security cameras (one in resident's yard with another to be located in the Circle Park; both used to monitor access road and street traffic; April ballot responses to gauge interest in a security gate indicate further research should be done), monthly dues increase to be explored, commercial traffic (due to neighborhood home business and misdirected traffic; sign pointing to KGCC needed on Waikiki; unsafe vehicle handling by maintenance employees), local news (Mills-Waikiki roundabout: new artwork in production and slip lane under discussion; 22 unit apartment building on the corner of Mills and Hastings, new restaurants in our area), new items for discussion (incident reports for KGCC activities: event parking, sound, maintenance shed security lights; speeding traffic at Circle Park; underground power lines (still too expensive?); residential homes built by the Kalispels at KGCC not likely).

2022-04-06 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: Board members Kelly McCann, Lon Botta, and Dan Stowe met to discuss: access road (transfer of ownership; interpretation of the Quit Claim Deed and supporting letters; potential KGCC "condo" development; accident liability; new HHA-KGCC access road easement agreement), security gate (street traffic; safety; Waikiki sign pointing to KGCC; KGCC granted easement for security gate turnaround), communication (Highlands Lane open to KGCC only for maintenance activities; KGCC needs to alert HHA about any significant event impacts: traffic, sounds, light, etc.).


2022-01-13 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: 
1. Proposed amendment to modify HHA Bylaws: Article XVI-Street Parking (wording, legal review)
2. New Google and Facebook accounts to be used by Trustees to communicate, collaborate, coordinate, and collect documents.
3. Updates to HHA President's 2020-2021 Google Sheets Highlands finances; initiation of 2021-2022 budget to include regular inputs from HHA Treasurer.
4. Continued lack of communication from KGCC about past sewer issues, sewer insurance coverage, future construction plans.
5. Circle Park and Stone Triangle (access road entrance): new landscaping, repair/replace sprinkler systems.
6. Street snow removal (cost and effectiveness)
7. Re-define how “Road Fund” allocations are proposed.
(meeting held via Zoom by HHA Board Members: Kelly McCann, Dan Stowe, Lon Botta)


2021-09-16 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: Board members Kelly McCann, Lon Botta, and Dan Stowe met to discuss these items: Fall clean-up schedule (look into replacing fall community street clean-up effort with professional street sweeper; spring clean-up to remain the same), maintenance agreement for snow removal this year (Galloway company fee increase; meet with them to discuss past issues and to recommend items to improve service), additions to our HOA bylaws (draft amendment regarding parking in HHA common area), library box at the park (now constructed, to be installed near the concrete slab with the picnic table in the Circle Park), weeding the park (funds to entice neighborhood kids to pull weeks and pick up debris during Fall gathering - date TBD - in the Circle Park), Highlands/KGCC sewer update (all work for 2nd sewer pump install still not completed; final HHA-KGCC financial responsibilities not yet determined), insurance coverage update (Dan Stowe report on researching coverage to include sewer pumps).


2021-06-30 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: Board members Kelly McCann, Lon Botta, and Dan Stowe met along with past presidents/advisors Sam Brinly and Mike Chamberlain to discuss several current issues: KGCC/HHA resolution for the outstanding balance to repair sewer in 2020-2021; Gate access between The Highlands and Fairwood HOA; Update our insurance policy coverage for the HHA; SOP for emergency plan; Library box at the park; Deferred maintenance at the park; HOA by-laws and how to uphold them.

2021-06-19 Minutes Meeting (Covid-19) From HHA President Eric Olson: The annual Highlands HOA meeting is going to be Saturday, 6/19/21, at 7:00pm - for those that can attend this informal get together. Our current and future board members will be available at the circle park to answer any specific questions from the members. We encourage everyone to return their ballots either by mail or email prior to the 19th.


2021-02-16 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: The entire meeting was devoted to discussions of the recent emergency response to sewer pump system failures: the one (new) operating pump burned out (most likely due to an old, faulty control board) before the 2nd pump had been rebuilt.  As a result, HHA and KGCC have to: initiate pump-outs of the backup septic system-drainfield, look for a quick temporary fix, review HHA and KGCC insurance coverage, track down manufacturer and installer warranty issues, discuss plans (security of access cover, routine monitoring and maintenance, continued discussion of a gravity system replacement).  In attendance were Eric Olson, Kelly McCann, past presidents Bill Burnet and Mike Chamberlain, with virtual (Covid) insights provided by Sam Brinly and Dan Stowe via Skype.


2020-09-21 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: community contract renewals (grounds maintenance, snow removal), sewers (cleaning, gravity system), calendar (street cleanup, Christmas party CANX), bus shelter construction (on hold), access road (asphalt grindings for damaged shoulders), access gate, bylaws (update? E.g. backup HHA check signer).


2020-06-09 Minutes Meeting (held at the Circle Park: “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and guidance from the state government restricting gatherings, the board elected not to host a traditional annual meeting as scheduled.  In order to move forward with the election of board members for the coming year, the board convened at the circle in order to collect ballots and answer any specific questions that members may have.  We encouraged the members to submit their ballots via email or mail, so we did not have many members show up to the circle.”)  Topics: ongoing improvements of the Circle Park (new pickleball and basketball court), disintegration of the access road pavement edges, election results announced for President (Eric Olson) and Board of Trustees (Hugh Conway and Kelly McCann).


2020-05-16 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: review quotes for road, sewer, storm water systems (Big Sky Industrial, Accurate Striping, AAA Affordable Paving), new maintenance chairperson (Frani Olson), create maintenance schedule rough draft (roads, storm water system, sewer, landscape watering and upkeep), notes for new board (annual event descriptions and schedules, need for paper announcements), review of proposed Circle improvements (covered shelter donations, pave circle basketball court for creation of circular pickleball court, remove more junipers, modify/remove remaining concrete pad), overdue assessments.


2020-03-29 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: pump station (pump replacement costs, need for sewer flow estimates); Spring street cleanup (plan for the trimming and removal of junipers, likely impact of coronavirus pandemic); plans for upgrade of Circle Park (rework landscape, look at plans for bus stop shelter on existing square concrete pad, remove deteriorating circular pad to add picnic table and benches, resurface basketball court, look into adding a play structure, study ways to add lighting, how to fund).


2020-01-31 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: Informal discussion of preliminary plans for the Waikiki-Mills round-about beautification; review of tentative HHA calendar for 2020; review of KGCC-HHA sewer system (update on replacement pump at golf course pump station, preliminary construction and cost analyses for direct link to County sewer system via a gravity fed line connection to Riverwood Estates; refocus on HHA sewer system cleanout to include investigating reasons for the high flow rate at the pump station); discussion of Circle Park renovations (bus stop shelter, landscaping, resurface basketball court for co-use as a pickelball court); initial review of snow removal effectiveness; restart community fire prevention planning; initiate nominations for Board of Trustees.


2019-11-24 Minutes Special Assessment 2019 Community Meeting Topics: Discussion of past, present, and future issues regarding jointly maintained KGCC-HHA sewer system: pump failures (frequency, causes, and maintenance costs), update on feasibility study of connecting our private sewer system directly to the County system in Riverwood Estates (desirable for all, including County; cost of construction and connection is of concern).  Ballots were counted and the special assessment of $270 per residence was passed to provide funds to cover emergency repair/replacement of failing sewer pump.  Ballot count results: 28 Yes, 1 No, 7 no response, and 1 yes vote received after the meeting.  Meeting was held at the North Spokane County Library, 8:30pm-9:30pm, Sunday, 24 Nov 2019.  In attendance: Sam Brinly (President), Eric Olson (Trustee), Gerry Yates, Art Rudd, Dave Martin, and Mike Chamberlain. 


2019-11-02 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: Recent discussions and activity focused on status of sewer system (continued discussions and research into gravity-fed sewer system; recently discovered “emergency” repairs for sewer pump -- mechanical and electrical -- and later for control panel; see HHA website Notices for information on special assessment for pump repair) and repair of storm damaged rock path that leads east down towards the golf course.


2019-09-26 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: joint meeting with KGCC representatives to discuss Highlands Ln access (for maintenance parking lot use by KGCC employees, overflow parking) and sewer contract (continued study of possible gravity flow hookup to stub in Riverwood Estates; upcoming required electrical/mechanical updates to KGCC-HHA pump house that would likely cost in the neighborhood of $50K).


2019-07-30 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: Circle Park (sprinkler repairs; initiate planning to renew circle landscaping; basketball court resurfacing; potential construction of small pavilion with primary use by children waiting for school buses in inclement weather), End of Summer Party (Nov 11; coordinator: Sam Breeze; catered by Veraci Pizza), Winter Party (Dec; coordinator: Eric Olson; new format: “mini-plate” items provided by 3-4 host homeowners; date and time TBD); emergency escape (seek professional assessment to help identify dangers and avenues by which the neighborhood can escape if Highlands Ln is not an option), KGCC (meeting in August to discuss mutual concerns: sewer contract; Highlands Ln usage; KGCC survey results).


2019-06-03 Minutes Meeting (held at the Circle Park) Topics: upcoming events (garage sale cancelled, end of summer circle party, fall community street cleanup, Christmas party – “micro-plate progressive dinner”?); introduction of new neighbors (Alberts-Johnson, Gorman, Baker); 2018 Annual Meeting minutes approved; Treasurer’s final report given, discussed (legal bill, snowplowing) and approved; President report and discussion (2+ year efforts to get online map information corrected regarding our private streets and access road; feasibility study for direct gravity fed sewer line for county hookup in Riverwood Estates; still outstanding issue of obtaining expert advice on a neighborhood fire plan; possible updates of the Circle Park: covered structure for school bus stop and resurface concrete basketball court; review by-laws for possible changes in describing how we (actually do vs. shall) operate as an HOA; investigate alternatives to the watering system along access road; look into refurbishing (shrubs, lighting) the stone-H triangle at the entrance); election results announced for President (Sam Brinly) and Board of Trustees (Eric Olson, Hugh Conway).


2019-05-11 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: over the last several months, with little else to discuss, communication between Board members was sporadic with one-off issues usually handled by email.  Recent informal discussions: sewer issues (clean neighborhood system; coordinate with County and KGCC to investigate gravity fed vs. pump station), plan and prepare for the Spring community street cleanup on May 11, identify and recruit new Board members (two, since Sam Breeze resigned from the Board), plan and prepare for the Annual Meeting on June 3 at the Circle Park.


2018-11-06 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: set dates for HHA events in calendar year 2019; ask Eric and Frani Olson to organize the 3rd annual HHA Christmas Party at KGCC’s 1898 restaurant; discuss scheduling a progressive dinner-like party involving snacks at open houses in the neighborhood; Dan Stowe report on scheduled neighborhood sewer main cleaning and progress on the feasibility study of a joint HHA-KGCC-Spokane County alternate gravity-fed system.


2018-08-07 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: what issues to discuss at meeting with KGCC the following day (08 Aug) – gravity fed sewer line vs pump house; access road usage (only for maintenance, need better communication from KGCC); access road security cameras; KGCC land survey.


2018-05-30 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: send letter to KGCC management to encourage better communication on topics of mutual interest, especially with regard to access road usage; complete survey of HHA members for straw vote on whether to move forward with the security gate project at this time; update on sewer options; check status of upcoming events (yard sale, end of summer Circle Party).


2018-04-28 Minutes Meeting Topics: welcome & introductions (Wolffs, Conways, Stowes) by President Gerry Yates (host with Rosa); past year’s accomplishments reviewed and discussed; 2017 Annual Meeting minutes passed; future activities announced (yard sale, summer end Circle Party, December Christmas Party); financial report by Treasurer Patty Ellingsen; report on access road (KGCC usage for overflow parking, etc.; better/legal communication with KGCC) and proposed security gate/cameras (requirements, materials and costs, impact on community) by Trustee Sam Brinly ; report on N Highlands Ln ownership (segregate parcel to contain access road) and status of HHA-KGCC-County sewer agreement (research feasibility and cost to eliminate HHA-KGCC pumping station with direct gravity connect to County system) by Mike Chamberlain; election ballots were counted for President (Mike Chamberlain) and Board of Trustees (Sam Brinly, Sam Breeze).


2018-01-09 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: meet at KGCC to discuss with Bob Castle: access road (transfer land to HHA, impact of maintenance road usage for non-maintenance purposes like event parking overflow, possible HHA security gate, possible HHA-KGCC joint road/fence line security camera system near Waikiki), sewer arrangement (County interest in installing on KGCC land overflow station near Fairwood Park pump station, plan to update old SCC-HHA-County sewer agreement, inquire whether County can provide better hookup solutions); subsequent Board discussion on snow plowing, remaining access road issues, elections at next HHA annual meeting, bus stop shelter.


2017-12-07 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: set tentative dates for HHA 2018 calendar events, meet with KGCC about access road (clear ownership, property transfer, Club access) and sewer (review and plan of action), HHA security gate, HHA (jointly with KGCC?) security cameras.


2017-08-05 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: review construction plans for 1421 W Pinehill Rd; issues with Kalispel Golf and Country Club (use of N Highlands Ln for public events, clear ownership of HHA access road, impacts of County plans for storm water drainage near access road and Waikiki, current and future plans for sewage treatment plant); plans for cleaning out storm water catch basins and drains and covering eroded path below the corner of Fairway and Pinehill.


2017-04-27 Minutes Meeting Topics: introductions, Treasurer’s financial report, discussion of past winter’s snow plowing (adequate for heavy snowfall; need better results for entrance road and fire hydrants; consider sanding for persistent ice), status of entrance road survey (to finalize transfer of access road ownership from KGCC for tax and liability purposes), status of sewer agreement with KGCC (clogged storm drain at west end of Pinehill needs cleaning/repair), road signs (Waikiki-Highlands LN street sign, Private road sign near pump house, new direction sign on circle, new Country Club DR/CT street signs), open discussion (Larry Wyatt to investigate security cameras/entrance gate), election of Board and Officers.


2017-01-10 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: signage for access road and community streets; activity schedule for 2017; nomination of officers and board members; plans to work with KGCC on access road, sewer issues.


2016-11-10 Minutes Meeting Topics: propose plan to KGCC for HHA to secure ownership of a strip of its land so that HHA can be recorded as owner of and taxpayer for a county recorded parcel of land on which the access road sits; discuss the County-KGCC-HHA agreement on the sewer system; request for members to update their listed phone numbers and volunteer at least one email address for a new community directory; sewer bill is nearly $9,000 and unpaid membership fees are over $1,600.


2016-11-08 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: agenda for upcoming annual meeting; elections of Board and Officers; discuss future of access road; discuss sewer agreement with KGCC; update community directory (with email addresses?).


2016-09-15 Minutes Meeting Topics: fire hazard for community, so need volunteers for committee to create plans of action for community and individual homeowners (Gerry Yates); fall clean up plus road sweeping; meet and greet with Bob Castle from KGCC with discussion of existing issues and future plans (dead trees, “stay and plays” construction, slot machines, traffic, access road gate, no KGCC noise before 7AM, no sign near entrance for 1898 restaurant, sewer agreement, etc.); Treasurer (Patty Ellingsen) report (repair basketball area in circle park, funds needed for repairs and sprinklers, road issues, need to clean storm sewer, new $7,500 sewer pump repair bill); dog waste disposal; neighborhood web site; members were asked to volunteer an email address for member communication and for distribution of financial materials.


2016-08-29 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: report on meeting with KGCC representative Bob Castle regarding relationship, both social and legal, between KGCC and HHA; community livability and appearance; prepare plan for community evacuation.


2015-10-26 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: discussion, plan, and actions for the ongoing issue of “maintaining and improving both our individual and commonly owned properties for the mutual benefit of all residents”; activities for 2016; dues delinquencies; web based community calendar proposed (Mike Chamberlain).


2015-09-10 Minutes Meeting Topics: neighborhood potluck with barbeque ribs (Rosa and Gerry Yates); financial report; discussion of community standards for responsibility of homeowners to maintain their property; welcome to Shelby and Mus Rebahi and to Amber and Sam Brinly.


2015-04-28 Notice Topics: summer activities – Survivor Party and garage sale.


2015-03-01 Notice Topics: Board recommends activities for 2015 (to include a Survivors Party); SCC bankruptcy impact on County-SCC-HHA sewer agreement.


2014-12-23 Notice Topics: snow plowing plans; officer and board elections.


2014-11-01 Notices Topics: community garage burglary; fall activities.


2014-04-28 Notices Topics: summer activities, impacted by July and August windstorms [haboobs?]


2014-05-03 Notice Topics: plans and flyer for spring clean up.


2014-01-30 Notice Topics: neighborhood car break in; request for member email addresses.


2014-01-06 Minutes Board Meeting Topics: schedule of activities for 2014.


2013-12-05 Minutes Topics: complete and up-to-date Treasurer report (Patty Ellingsen); members vote to approve both $10/mo dues increase and special $189/residence assessment to cover bills (largely for $7,000 sewer pump replacement); two homeowners are almost a year behind in paying their dues; auto payment of dues available (Patty Ellingsen); welcome to Mike and Anne Chamberlain.


2013-12-05 Notice Topics: background information and agenda leading up to Dec annual meeting which focuses on HHA income and outgo.


2013-06-06 Minutes Meeting Topics: need for homeowner dues increase (unanimous straw vote for $10/mo) to be voted on at a special meeting; AT&T cell tower vote was 5-yes and 20-no; garage sale (Ellie and Bill Burnett); SCC bankruptcy discussed; new directory coming (with email addresses?); new Board member to be nominated; security camera costs.


2013-05-02 Notice Topics: communications, information, and maps for HHA information meeting regarding proposed AT&T cell tower.


2012-12-01 Notice Topics: revised covenants prepared and recorded with county (David Thompson) and distributed to members; revised by-laws prepared (Dan Harbaugh) and distributed; HHA and SCC await formal AT&T cell tower proposal; entrance security camera costs hinder progress.


2012-08-23 Minutes Meeting Topics: revised covenants passed to be filed at county; revised by-laws passed with further discussion of street parking; opposition to SCC-proposed AT&T cell tower; security camera planning continues; welcome to Ed and Angie Stephens.


2013-08-22 Letter Topics: letter to members from Bill Burnet concerning by-law proposal regarding street parking.


2012-08-21 Notice Topics: agenda plus background information and updates on topics to be covered at Annual Meeting.


2012-04-19 Minutes General Meeting Topics: straw ballot taken on issues with final voting later in year; Treasurer report (Patty Ellingsen: biggest costs are circle, snow removal and utilities; 6 delinquent dues; $3,000 paid for half of SCC-HHA sewer repairs; snow plowed at 3” required; street cleaning not required; circle park sprinkler timer needs repairs); road way maintenance and repairs; update covenants and by-laws (simple majority vice 75% majority voted down); actions to be taken for “local violations”; rental rules; security camera; discussions on “no street parking restrictions, no restrictions on more than 1 family residing in a single house, no interest charged on liens”; welcome new neighbors David and Carmen Thompson.


2012-04-19 Notice Topics: members to meet for vote on: updating by-laws and covenants, sealing road cracks in access road; electing Board members and Officers.


2012-03-25 Letter Topics: letter to members from Bill Burnet concerning proposed changes to by-laws and covenants.


2012-03-12 Letter SCC to HHA Topics: response to inquiries of HHA proposed changes to covenants.


2011-mm-dd Minutes -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


2011-06-16 Memoranda Topics: report about and vote on access road entrance gate and security cameras.  


2010-mm-dd Minutes -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


2009-mm-dd Minutes -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


2008-08-05 Minutes Meeting Topics: Highlands account to be moved from INB to WTB; high sewer bills (operation and pump repair) split with SCC; HHA will pay for needed sewer cleaning once bids in; Board to review, discuss, and report on raising dues; preventative road repairs; Maintenance “will not field complaints about snow removal or street sweeping”; new Covenants Committee (Art Rudd, Dan Distelhorst, Ron Schurra, Larry Wyatt) to study and discuss guidelines for covenants rewrite;


2007-10-02 Minutes Meeting Topics: costs of sewer line cleaning (last time was 2002) and pump shared with SCC; two delinquent dues re-generated discussion of how to warn and execute a lien; covenants committee report (“common sense guidelines for our neighborhood”, no ties with SCC; access road liability, perhaps shift power of enforcing covenants from SCC Board to HHA Board?); Pinehill speedbump moved back to original spot; HHA overdue on county agreed complete sewer line clean out; security gate issue put on hold.


2006-11-02 Minutes Meeting Topics: new road costs over estimates; what to do about shortfall on donations for new entryway project (includes landscaping company, sprinkler, ditch and cable bills); road issues from sewer (cracks near pump house on access road) and new sprinkler installation (hump);  speed bump issue (1520 Pinehill; move or remove) for the Board; resident drainage problem (1522 Fairway); Board to research having attorney review HHA covenants and “clarify any ambiguity pertaining to SCC ties (if any)”; time to clean sewer lines; the Tubbs sell home; visiting dog “issues”; how much of home can be used for business purposes.


2005-06-21 Minutes Meeting Topics: Larry Wyatt and Dru Hieber finish new road signs project; members to be asked by letter for voluntary ($250?) donations for beautification project (plantings, water, bark); more discussion about Fairwood weed killer complaint; cleaning sewer lines, both community and individual residents in preparation for new road; road repair (turn over to county?); bids sought for repair of the big circle; review rewrite of covenants to remove unnecessary verbiage; motion passed “to declare Marion Salt’s extra lot an unbuildable site to avoid unfair property taxes.”


2004-06-17 Minutes Meeting Topics: upper entry beautification project plans get voluntary funding; $96,000 in road fund but dues increase needed for repaving; basketball court to be power washed (Dru and Larry); letter to be sent to Fairwood resident Tiphe “to remind them that their fence and plants are actually on Highlands property” after she complained about HHA weed killer; proposed that Board be given by-laws authority to determine annually where dues increase is necessary, to be passed by 75% of the homeowners; road funds to be used “to change signs at the entry road and circle area” to be readable due to liability issues with SCC to pay for private road sign (Dru Hieber); neighborhood newcomers booklet proposed to include common sense items (lawn care, vehicle parking, barking dogs, … ); amend by-laws to address issues of resident home landscaping and maintenance, parking, etc.


2003-06-12 Minutes Meeting Topics: Treasurer report (circle park water, sewer line maintenance every 3 to 5 years; delinquent accounts means liens and attorney?); private road sign still in design stage (with another sign pointing to SCC?); Dru Hieber and Larry Wyatt working with Trish Thoen to get basketball backboard and new hoop installed; upper entry beautification project plans discussed with funds a constraint; plan for welcome information packet for new homeowners (Patty Ellingsen); meeting planned to discuss covenants, especially regarding common areas); speed dips repainting; dues increase to be studied by Board; Highlands sign and painting by Tom Thoen.


2002-05-22 Minutes Meeting Topics: list of current homeowners distributed; list of homeowners’ email addresses to be compiled and distributed via email (Dan Distelhorst); Entryway Beautification (Trish Thoen worked with SCC to select suitable plantings, broken sprinkler repair, automatic sprinkler zone after following year SCC upgrade, Waikiki sign at entrance pointing to Club(?), SCC agreed to pay for replacement of private road sign, current Highlands street name sign to be moved to entry road); new lettering for entrance sign (Tom Thoen)); basketball resurfacing still presents challenges; upper entry road area beautification (planning and funding of area adjacent to Webbers home); all but one delinquent dues bill paid with interest paid; discussion of changing covenants following a study of other (Fairwood, Arrowhead) covenants or, alternatively, publishing “Neighborhood Rules and Regulations” (Patty Ellingsen, Art Rudd, Al Dernbach, the Fishers); sewer lines need cleaning every 3 to 5 years; another round of $10/mo(?) dues increases discussion and voting put on the Board’s agenda; new Hospitality Committee formed (“welcoming new homeowners, planning neighborhood gatherings, etc.” -- Robin Rudd and Diane Rutherford); ground rules for new maintenance czar; Pinehill residents to plan for meeting with SCC rep about maintenance facility issues.


2001-05-22 Minutes Meeting Topics: history of HHA given by Chud Wendle; delinquent accounts clarification letter (8% interest then property lien) to be sent to all homeowners; covenants and by-laws update discussion; $1,452 allocated to beautify stone H entrance; committee (Becky Seldon, Robin Rudd) to look into fixing dilapidated fence by Webbers home; Board to look into “smoothing” surface for basketball court; missing private road sign to be incorporated into beautification plans for stone H; need for liaison with SCC.


2000-05-25 Minutes Meeting Topics: maintenance and landscaping (snow plowing, circle park and entrance road; SCC dead tree; report for beautifying stone H entrance -- Trish Thoen); study long range planning and budget for planting program; unsightly maintenance facility and noise problems; HHA to pay ($17/yr) road parcel county property tax; discuss repaving road on the inner circle following year; Patty Ellingsen volunteered to be Hospitality Chair.


1999-05-19 Minutes Meeting Topics: controversy regarding access road easement and SCC renovation damage; work with SCC on esthetics of maintenance shed; USPO Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box proposal voted down; safety and esthetics of street parking of homeowner vehicles; speed bump repainting.


1999-04-30 Letter SCC to HHA Topics: SCC repaved access road where utility lines buried; SCC will run timed sprinkler line to access entrance plus water at no charge; SCC will not assume responsibility for landscaping area at entrance sign; SCC intends to keep area around maintenance building “neat and attractive”; SCC will install stop sign at maintenance road entrance to access road; SCC finished paving maintenance road.


1998-05-28 Minutes Meeting Topics: negotiations with SCC about damaged and missing private road sign; delinquent accounts revisited; Trustees to investigate updating by-laws.


1997-07-08 Minutes Meeting Topics: delinquent accounts to be reported quarterly with list distributed to homeowners and 8% by-laws rule enforced; road sink holes; private road sign gone after damaged by wind storm; costs of dumpster rental for annual spring clean up; HHA insurance upgraded (property damage, fidelity insurance, Board insurance).


1996-11-07 Minutes Special Meeting Topics: discussion of dues increase and security issues; dues increased by $10/mo (1st increase since 1983); no security gate needed.


1996-09-08 Minutes Board of Trustees Topics: Treasurer to call meeting for member vote on dues increase necessitated by sewer expenses and operating costs; road fund $4,000 to cover sewer bill; security gate discussion; entrance street sign is broken.


1996-05-30 Minutes Meeting Topics: Treasurer (Patty Ellingsen) issues (dues to be billed Jan & Jul rather than monthly, Treasurer pay cut in half to $75/mo, study dues increase from $15/mo, treasurer to prepare Fed income tax returns); boulders in place to block vehicle parking by access road; circle park and entrance landscaping; bids for snow removal and street sweeping; county ecology dept OKs old septic system used for backup rather than requiring a generator; end of summer is date for hookup to county sewer system; solutions required for mail theft plus “loitering of cars and the overall destruction of our area”; incident where infraction of covenants was reported to county by HHA President; clean up day; repaint speed dips; Trustees to personally contact homeowners who are not taking proper care of their areas.


1995-05-31 Minutes Meeting Topics: resurfacing concrete circle; access road easement for county sewer line; Taylor Engineering sewer report arrived with bids and construction planned; residents’ costs for sewer installation and hookup; reorganize Block Watch; vehicle parking on access road; new directory and copies of covenants and by-laws to be distributed.


1994-05-19 Minutes Meeting Topics: easement required for sewer placement below access road to complete Fairwood hookup to Fairwood pumping station; SCC wants to divorce itself from HHA (e.g., HHA takes over own accounting with no SCC control over HHA funds) with possible tie-in with sewer project negotiations; circle park upkeep and renovation; street lights (mercury vapor vs sodium); speed limits; Sewer Committee (Carl Hueber) discussion on study (Taylor Engineering) with SCC representative (Mike Ormsby) explaining how the Club needs to be proactive in upgrading the system and prefers a joint project with HHA; welcome Bill Burnet new President.


1994-04-28 Memorandum Topics: initial investigation into future replacement of current private HHA-to-SCC-to-drain field septic system; HHA and SCC to obtain a professional study to get options for a single joint project or two separate systems; discussion and voting in upcoming general meetings.


1993-06-02 Minutes Meeting Topics: discussion of sewers (“inevitable, but off in the future”); HHA-owned land near Waikiki entrance fenced off by two Fairwood homeowners; more access road sewer pipe laying expected; SCC restoration of entrance; playground equipment in circle park; new directory and proposed newsletter survey report; landscape and maintenance of circle park; snow removal; annual Clean Up Day; repaint speed dips and circle basketball surface.


1992-05-13 Minutes Meeting Topics: review of status of sewer project (SCC costs for HHA based on water usage); a formal committee formed “with association authority to communicate any future dog problems”; policy on street parking; swing set and concrete circle renovation for circle park; landscape maintenance.


1991-05-22 Minutes Meeting Topics: street improvement project completed; SCC Board of Trustees to offer Highlands non-members of SCC (a violation of HHA covenants) a social membership, in part to cover SCC Highlands-related costs of administrative tasks and of sewer facilities; no current county sewer plans to extend (LID) service past Fairwood down Waikiki Rd; county animal control access to community.


1990-05-30 Minutes Meeting Topics: Taylor Engineering rep to discuss their road evaluation and improvement report (major problem with streets: inadequate drainage); vote to approve “Alternate A” of the report and increase in monthly HHA dues; Dan Harbaugh forms committee to review covenants and by-laws and recommend updates and changes (e.g., concern over residential landscape maintenance; SCC membership and road maintenance dues).


1990-04-28 Minutes Board of Trustees Topics: Treasurer report on receipts from SCC; defer action on road improvements; Association Attorney and Registered Agent discussion deferred; by-laws need rework to incorporate “duly agreed changes” since Sept 3, 1980 meeting; annual meeting agenda.


1989-07-13 Minutes Special Meeting Topics: to discuss reworking Board plans for capital development work on roads: outside technical engineer for study and voting on new plan.


1989-06-18 Minutes Board of Trustees Topics: results of Capital Improvements Survey; vote on plan to move ahead on: 2. Seal coat streets; 3. Repair curbs; 4. Entrance road erosion control; investigate HHA liability insurance (Dan Harbaugh).


1989-06-08 Memorandum Topics: results from Capital Improvements Survey.


1989-04-22 Notice Topics: President provides members with Improvement Committee’s Long-Range Plan and an Alternative Plan for discussion at annual meeting and voting; cash contributions solicited from members not working at the community Clean Up Day.


1989-03-21 Memorandum Topics: 2-page follow-up report (Dick DeFrance) with suggestions to make the Planning report “a little more clear and meaningful for the general membership.”


1989-03-16 Memorandum Topics: 12-page draft report of Long Range Planning Committee (Fred Burnet, George Berglund, Dick DeFrance, Art Rudd, Dick Hewett); section 1: chronological recital of major events in the Highlands history which have led to the current Association; section 2: results of improvement committee work investigating issues pertaining to utilities, roads, and relationship with county.


1988-11-22 Notice Topics: nominating committee appointed; new covenants revision committee (Rod Krebs, Dan Harbaugh); a new improvement (curbs, roads, sewer, general environment improvements) committee (Fred Burnet, George Berglund, Dick DeFrance, Art Rudd, Dick Hewett); new welcoming committee; new sign with street names; Block Watch; new Highlands map (with names, phone numbers); welcome Bob and Margaret Shugart, Doris and Phillip Cleveland, Rich Nelson.


1987-05-13 Minutes Meeting Topics: entrance road (community rake and clean; add ground cover); speed dips (6 new drivers in community); transfer road to county (no action); plowing and sweeping streets (plow at 4”-5”; sweep twice per year); road repairs (resurface later; washed-out area); security gate (not now); SCC condos; dog control (new county leash law); sewer (SCC revising system; wait); other (appearance of homes and property value; “lawns should be neat, curbs clean, trees pruned and etc.”; cars should be parked in garage with doors closed and not on street or driveway, use gas blowers on weekdays, hot tubs with noisy motors, legal opinion of fence next to Fairwood, children who shoot off fireworks clean up on 5th of July); welcome new members Scott & Liz Morris; FIRST EVER, SEMI-SCIENTIFIC, HIGHLANDS “BURNING ISSUES” SURVEY (9 items); Treasurer report.


1986-mm-dd Minutes Meeting -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


1985-mm-dd Minutes Meeting -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


1984-mm-dd Minutes Meeting -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


1983-05-04 Minutes Meeting Topics: landscape bills high this year (circle park sprinkler system repairs); damaged benches in circle park; road repairs, present (cracks) and future (resurface), and impact on funds (dues or special assessments); Block Watch; repaint speed dips; new Officers; Treasurer report.


1982-mm-dd Minutes Meeting -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


1981-mm-dd Minutes Meeting -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available


1980-mm-dd Minutes Meeting -- meeting minutes for this year not yet available



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